Japanese Journal of Archaeology
The Japanese Journal of Archaeology (hereinafter abbreviated ‘JJA’) is the English language journal of the Japanese Archaeological Association. JJA features open access, peer-reviewed original research and review articles written in English, primarily, but not exclusively, concerning 1) archaeological studies of the Japanese archipelago, and 2) archaeological studies of other regions relevant to the Japanese Archaeological Association. Contributors are not charged to publish in the journal.
Words from the Inaugural Chief Editor
The Japanese Journal of Archaeology (JJA) is an open-access journal. You do not need to register on this site in order to read the JJA. Just click on the "Current" link above (or just scroll down) to go to the table of contents of the latest issue, or click on the "Archives" link above to see a list of back issues.
The Japanese Journal of Archaeology
The Japanese Archaeological Association
4th Floor, 5-15-5 Hirai, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo 132-0035 JAPAN
E-mail : Ken'ichi Sasaki (Chief Editor): jjarch@archaeology.jp
ISSN 2187-9524
*This project is funded by ‘Grant-in Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results’ of Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS)