Volume11, Number2 (March 2024)

Inside Frontcover

Japanese Journal of Arcaheology is the English-language journal of the Japanese Archaeological Association.

The Japanese Journal of Archaeology (hereinafter abbreviated ‘JJA’)  is a Web-based, open-access journal ( and features peer-reviewed original research and review articles written in English, primarily, but not exclusively, concerning 1) archaeological studies of the Japanese archipelago, and 2) archaeological studies of other regions relevant to the Japanese Archaeological Association. Contributors are not charged to publish in the journal.

The project of launching and publishing JJA was approved at the Annual General Meeting of the Japaense Archaeological Assocaition in May 2013, and the Inaugural issue was published in December 2013.

The project is funded by ‘Grant-in Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results’ of Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS).

JJA is published twice annually.


  >> PDF 123KB
Editorial 47 >> PDF 122KB
Part 1: Original Article    
Early Monumental Constructions in the Maya Lowlands and Their Implications for the Theory of the State
49 >> PDF 11.3MB
Notes to Contributors 67 >> PDF 380KB

Editorial Board

Editorial Advisory Board


The Japanese Journal of Archaeology
The Japanese Archaeological Association

4th Floor, 5-15-5 Hirai, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo 132-0035 JAPAN
E-mail : Ken'ichi Sasaki (Chief Editor):
ISSN 2187-9524