Guidelines for Contributors

The Japanese Journal of Archaeology (hereinafter abbreviated ‘JJA’) is the English language journal of the Japanese Archaeological Association. JJA features open access, peer-reviewed original research and review articles written in English, primarily, but not exclusively, concerning 1) archaeological studies of the Japanese archipelago, and 2) archaeological studies of other regions relevant to the Japanese Archaeological Association. Contributors are not charged to publish in the journal. The Chief Editor welcomes queries about the suitability of manuscripts to the JAA. Please read Notes to Contributors and Style sheet provided below carefully when you prepare your manuscript.

Notes to Contributors

Scope and contents

The Japanese Journal of Archaeology (hereinafter abbreviated ‘JJA’) features peer-reviewed original research and review articles written in English, primarily, but not exclusively, concerning 1) archaeological studies of Japanese archipelago, and 2) archaeological studies of any region and any time-periods in the world undertaken by Japanese archaeologists, their collaborators, scholars who are affiliated with Japanese institutions or scholars who specialize in Japanese archaeology.

Review policy and procedure

All submissions are considered by the Chief Editor in the first instance. Papers recognised as suitable for JJA are peer-reviewed by a minimum of two experts. Peer-reviewers are selected for their knowledge and expertise and may include, but are not limited to, JJA Editorial Advisory Board.


Manuscripts should not normally exceed 7,000 words. Double spacing should be used throughout, including the References. Footnotes should be avoided. Manuscripts submitted should be comprised of: 1) Article title, 2) Author's names and contact details, 3) Abstract of 150~200 words, 4) up to 6 keywords, suitable for online search purposes, 5) Text, 6) Acknowledgements,
7) References,
and 8) Figure captions.


Authors are required to make sure that the substance of the content of the paper has not been published previously and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.


Authors are required to obtain all necessary permissions to reproduce line drawings, photographs, tables and any other figurative materials that they do not own copyright of, and also required to make sure that appropriate acknowledgements are included in their manuscript.


As for references, please do not use passim, op. Cit, ibid. or vague page ranges, e.g. 283f and 283ff.

References in the sentences should be as follows:
Single author: (Suzuki 1970, p.10);
Two authors: (Suzuki & Yamada 2010, pp.10-20);
Three or more authors: (Suzuki et al. 1990, p.10):
More than one work by same author and same year: (Yamada 1980a, 1980b);
More than one work by one author and different authors: (Suzuki 1990, 2010; Yamada 2012);
Personal communication: pers. comm.
*Authors are required to cite page numbers wherever possible.

Japanese family names should be given in small caps in surname-first order. For Japanese sources, the transliterated title of a work should be followed by a translation, except for journal titles. Please add the original publication data immediately after the transliterated and translated publication data. In the case of citing more than 10 site reports, we suggest that you number each site report and list them in the list of references. If a site report is included in the Zenkoku iseki sōran (全国遺跡総覧) database of the Nara National Institute of Cultural Properties, please provide a link to the relevant publication.

Macrons (Long Vowel Notation)

For transliteration of Japanese, the Hepburn system is adopted. We also distinguish long vowels by adding macrons to vowels, as in Kōkogaku Kenkyū, not Koukogaku Kenkyuu. You may omit macrons for commonly known Japanese names, such as Tokyo [Tōkyō], Kyoto [Kyōto], Kobe [Kōbe], Kyushu [Kyūshū], Koji Mizoguchi [Kōji Mizoguchi] and Jomon [Jōmon].

Book: Book with a volume no.: Journal paper: Chapter by another author in a book: Edited collection: In press: Site report (citing the whole volume; please omit a series title): Site report (citing a section of a collection of site reports in a single volume; in this case you may omit the name of an editor [often not listed in Japanese site reports] and a series title):

Plates and figures

Plates and figures (including site plans, graphs and maps) should be as clear and simple as possible. Each photograph and illustration submitted should be referred to in the text and an indication given of where it should be placed within the article and the ideal size of reproduction. A list of captions should be provided on separate sheets and include any necessary acknowledgements. As mentioned, authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions for the reproduction of previously published illustrations and other people’s photographs and drawings.

Contributors are required to submit illustrations as electronic files (preferably as TIFs). Line drawings should be created at a minimum of 800 dpi and black and white photographs should be scanned in at a minimum of 300 dpi. Illustrations or photographs downloaded from the Internet are not accepted.

How to submit a paper

Should you wish to consult the editorial board for the suitability of your paper to the journal, you should send an e-mail to the Chief Editor with an abstract or summary and an idea of the key contents.

Once the manuscript has been completed, a digital copy of the complete text plus illustrations (in compressed or low-resolution format) should be E-mailed to the Chief Editor. If the paper does not conform to the instructions above, or has missing elements at this stage, it will be returned to the author with a request that the paper be resubmitted once complete.

Once a paper is accepted for publication, we ask authors to supply a final version accompanied by the illustrations, fulfilling the quality requirements mentioned above, on CD and a set of hard-copy prints of the final manuscript, the tables and illustrations. The editorial board will then edit this copy, and if necessary, shall raise some queries such as the clarity of sentences and incomplete references. After this process, the edited version will be sent back to the author for approval with a copyright form. Returning the signed copyright form to the Chief Editor marks the acceptance date of the paper.

A PDF file will be sent to the author for page proofing. Making substantial re-writing or additions to the text or illustrations at this stage shall be avoided except the discovery of factual errors.

Once the paper is published, you will receive a final PDF file to be used as offprints.

Style Sheet


JJA uses British English spelling.


Japanese, Korean and Chinese names should be given in Japanese name order, with no commas (e.g. Mizoguchi Koji)


Initials in personal names should be separated by full-stops with no spaces, e.g. A.J. Roberts, but no full-stop should be used for upper-case abbreviations, e.g. USA, RCAHMS
Quotes should be placed in normal text and within double quotation marks
Short quotes should be placed within the text, longer quotes should be indented
Compass points should be hyphenated, e.g. north-west, south-southeast
n-dashes (–) should be used to represent a range, e.g. 1342-1350 BC, and in page spans 45-50
m-dashes (—) may be used to separate a nested clause or phrase


Roman numerals are to be avoided whenever possible. Numbers less than 10 should be spelt out; Arabic numerals should be used for all numbers 10 and above except century names, which are always spelt out. If a number occurs in a phrase in which most of the numbers are above nine, use Arabic numerals for all: e.g.
first century, fifteenth century
nine pots
11wild boar, 15 deer and 3 horses
Use a space instead of a comma in long numbers, except if under 10 000, e.g.
11 465
4 500 000


JJA uses BC/AD not BCE/CE.
AD comes before the date, BC after, except when using a century name, e.g.
3500 BC
AD 1185
tenth century AD
Calibrated radiocarbon dates should be used when appropriate. Details should always be provided (including Lab Number, standard deviation, material date taken from, which calibration programme is used etc)
Dates in text should be given as (number) (month) (year), no ordinals: e.g. 30 January 2010.
Dates should be hyphenated when used adjectivally, e.g. nineteenth-century object, but not in noun phrases, e.g. the early nineteenth century.


Abbreviations should end in a full-stop e.g. no. (number), fig. (figure), pl. (plate)
Contractions do not require a full-stop, e.g. St, Dr, Mr, Mrs
Measurements should be abbreviated and follow the number without a space and without full-stops, e.g. 100km, 56mm (millimetres should be used in preference to centimetres)
Areas should be written as, e.g. 24m²
Per cent is two words but authors may use the symbol (%) where it appears frequently, please be consistent
Radiocarbon, when not spelled out should be presented as 14C


Use capitals sparingly: initials and proper names only, e.g. the Russian Far East, but eastern Japan. Standard archaeological periods are capitalised, e.g. Neolithic, Jomon, Yayoi.

Use of kanji

The kanji or other Japanese/Chinese/Korean equivalent of specific terms and names should be provided in the text the first time it appears in the paper.

Latin words

Latin and other foreign words and abbreviations should only be used sparingly. Commonly used Latin words and abbreviations are not italicised, less common words and abbreviations should be italicised. The following Latin words and abbreviations are acceptable:
common (don't italicise): cf., e.g., etc., i.e., N.B.
less common (italicise): ad hoc, circa = c., et al., in situ, per se, terminus post/ante quem, vs